Broad Horizons is a satirical, futuristic, cyberpunk novel in the spirit of Neal Stephenson and William Gibson. The story combines self-replicating nanites with temporal acceleration to create a nanotechnology intelligence, with devastating effect. Sent to investigate the murder of a Senator’s daughter, Ruel Drakkar finds himself peeling the onion on a conspiracy much deeper than he ever expected. After a climactic battle where he is caught in a temporal rift, Ruel and a small group of survivors must grapple with the ethical consequences of committing genocide in order to save Earth’s past and future. What would you do?

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Matt Chessen’s new novel ‘Used’ – the story of a man named Rider, who possesses the wraith-like ability to shift his consciousness into other people’s bodies, controlling them and stealing their memories. Rider discovers reality might be a simulation, and he wants out at any cost.