Buying a used car on the Internet: pitfalls and lessons learned

This is an unusual topic for me but since I never really found a single article on the web that explained these concepts to me, I thought I’d cobble together some knowledge from my recent used car purchase. Enjoy! Background: my wife and I owned an old, 1997 Pathfinder that recently failed emissions due to a faulty knock sensor. Repairs would cost more than the car was worth, so we decided it was time for a new, used car and […]

Midas: A Marketplace for Innovation in Government

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Midas: A Marketplace for Innovation in Government By Joe Polastre, 18F and Matt Chessen, Department of State Midas is an online platform that brings to life the vision of an “Innovation Toolkit” for government. It is a marketplace of skill building opportunities which matches people to projects that they’re passionate about. You can think of it as “kickstarter for people’s time”. The concept of an Innovation Toolkit started as a Presidential Innovation Fellows project to give federal employees a place to work on innovative ideas across […]

Diplomacy Lab – State crowdsourcing the big challenges

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  The Secretary’s Special Advisor for Civil Society and Emerging Democracies has gone public with the Diplomacy Lab, their program for crowdsourcing macro-work from universities. This is in contrast to VSFS which is more focused on micro-tasking and shorter term projects. eDiplomacy and SACSED presented an ignite on VSFS and Diplomacy Lab at last Friday’s Tech@State (about half way through) (I also highly recommend John Maeda’s presentation – he’s the president of the Rhode Island school of […]

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